The Return on Investment (ROI) calculator has been designed to help you understand the potential returns on investing in OP. Simply enter your currency, number of users, average cost per page, average pages per user, and estimated reduction in printing.

Select your currency:
OP Cost: $149.95

Information on your environment
Number of users:
Number of work days per month:

Page count
Average B&W pages per user per day:
Average color pages per user per day:

Cost per page
Approx. B&W cost per page: $
Approx. color cost per page: $

Estimated reduction in printing:

Total cost per month currently: $756.00
Total cost per month with OP: $680.40
Total savings per month: $75.60
Total savings per year: $907.20
Return on investment: 2.0 months

If you have any questions or comments, please contact